ART Heals

A Free Online Intuition Painting® Course for Veterans

You will be forever grateful.
— Terrance, Veteran, Participant 2023

Veterans Intuition Painting®
Online Course

Register Below

If you are a U.S. Veteran, please register below to take part in the next course, and to be notified of future offerings. Repeat participants welcome.

4-Week Series, 3 hours each Session
Times: 00:00-00:00 PT / 00:00-00:00 ET

For over 20 years, this powerful, one-of-a-kind approach to painting has been highly praised by artists and non-artists alike as a tool for release, growth, and transformation.

This experience was unlike anything I have ever done. It unlocked blocks I’ve had in life currently, as well as found peace with the past. It may sound like a lot but it truly is remarkable.
— Heather Hancock, US Air Force, 2018-2021

Funding & Support:

We are grateful to announce we have received more funding through from The Town of Yucca Valley Measure Y to continue bringing Intuition Painting® to veterans for free online.

Recent Results:

Thanks to a grants through, funded through Pitzer College an Intuition Painting® online course was offered to the veteran community in January of 2023 free of charge. All materials were supplied, and the course took place on Zoom. A group of male and female participants completed the course and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with requests for additional sessions. Enjoy some of the testimonials on this page.


I’m not a painter, and for years have felt intimidated by even trying. This class allowed me to simply put paint on paper and not worry about the “how” or any “professional techniques”. I was able to have fun, let go, and even cry.. .there is a lot of pent-up emotions that so many of us have, and this class is a healthy way of unleashing those emotions.

Just like our lives and mental health, it’s not always pretty, but getting it out of yourself for the world to see helps lessen the load we carry.
— Angela Mathis, Veteran, Participant 2023

Sign up to be notified of future vet programs:

Donate to support this transformational work with Veterans.

Intuition Painting is at first fun, creative, and then goes deep to
places that might take years to reveal and process.
When it’s hard to find words, art finds them for you.
— Marcus Eriksen, PhD, Former Marine and Gulf War veteran, 2023

Download the flyers:

I encourage my fellow veterans to make the decision to enroll, attend and complete Intuitive Painting workshop. They will be amazed that the course brings them closer to their inner most feelings and provides them an opportunity to explore their talents in a safe and sane environment were bad is good and good is always good.
— Male Veteran, Survey Response, 2023
As a veteran, and unlike civilians, we carry with us the faces, places, and experiences we’ve dealt with, sometimes in very deep and emotional places. These are things that only another one of us can identify with and understand. Most of us don’t talk about these things, yet they can fester inside from the very carrying of them, these wounds or unique challenges.

The process of Intuition Painting was unlike anything I’ve done before. For one, it felt safe within a small group of fellow veterans; most of us didn’t want it to end. Secondly, I think all of us benefited from the actual doing of the process. We were able to tackle obstacles in a way that felt freeing, without the expectation to produce, or tell, or reveal. What came out was organic and free-flowing, and was built on a certain trust we gained in each other.

I would highly recommend Intuition Painting for any veteran as an avenue of self-exploration and possible healing.
— Kathleen B., Veteran, Former U.S. Airforce, 2023